The proposed IC-CGO project relies on a network with transversal, complementary and multidisciplinary approaches. Nineteen partners/teams with unique expertise in France and several internationally recognized are involved in this project with different and complementary skills and expertises :
- Partners from four different universities and three different regions are recognized experts in the ion channel field (calcium and potassium channels) and will be the physiological ionic channel experts in the project.
- Partners from three different universities and hospital and three different regions assure clinical expertise (for prostate, breast cancers and CLL and CML),
- Partners from four different universities and four different regions will bring their chemical (heterocycic, lipid and lanthanide cations chemistry) and biochemical (mass spectrometry) expertises to the project,
- Two partners run two IbiSA labeled Canceropole Grand Ouest platforms, and will provide the in vivo experimental model and in vitro cell biology expertises.