List of publications

  • Constitutive calcium entry and cancer: updated views and insights. Mignen O, Constantin B, Potier-Cartereau M, Penna A, Gautier M, Guéguinou M, Renaudineau Y, Shoji KF, Félix R, Bayet E, Buscaglia P, Debant M, Chantôme A, Vandier C. Eur Biophys J. 2017 May 17.
  • Singular Interaction between an Antimetastatic Agent and the Lipid Bilayer: The Ohmline Case.  Herrera, F.E.; Sevrain, C.M.; Jaffrès, P.A.; Couthon, H.; Grélard, A.; Dufourc, E.J.; Chantôme, A.; Potier-Cartereau, M.; Vandier, C.; Bouchet A. M. ACS Omega, 2017, 2, 6361-6370.